"Repent, for the kingdom
of heaven is at hand."
At first glance, this command by Jesus can seem kind of daunting. But it’s a call to get right with God. Not for fear of punishment, but a call home and a reminder that our reward is near. Let’s seek first the Kingdom, so we can step into all that God has for us, and not miss a single moment!
The purpose of the Kingdom Seekers Ministry is to help equip God's people with the tools needed to fulfill their mission in life. With an emphasis on realizing that we have been perfected by the sacrifice of Christ once and for all, we are now able to move forward in the work God has for us, continually uncovering the person God made us to be.
The rest of this will need to be written. Example: Mr. Jim Reed founded this organization with His wife Cheryl. Together they are a team dedicated to helping families rekindle their passion to seek the Kingdom first above all else, and as we do, we will be living to our fullest potential.
"For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ"
Latest Articles:

When God Calls Us Out
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Are You Fearless?
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Seek First The Kingdom
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